
X-tensive is a software development company specializing in .Net stack. We have been in the software development business for many years and have a lot of experience in this field.

Our portfolio contains our own developments in production automation that are used by major manufacturers in Russia, partnership integrations, enterprise-scale SaaS products for customers in the US and Europe, and even the first commercial ORM on the .Net platform.
Years of experience
People in our team
Cities in Russia

About Us

X-tensive was established in 2003 as a small software development company in Yekaterinburg. Over the years, we built up to where we are now, with over 100 employees, and X-tensive became well-known because our team developed the first commercial ORM for the .Net platform.

Most of our employees are software engineers who work remotely from various parts of Russia. Being a distributed team, we are very flexible in terms of the processes we use and encourage result-oriented approaches.
Our Work Culture
We sincerely believe in engineering values and we follow these simple processes, not only when we develop software, but also in the life of the company and organization of work. We embrace and encourage learning and growth and explore learning opportunities as they come. But to be the best, you have to work with the best, and that is what we offer here at X-tensive!

We have great confidence in our employees and their professionalism and responsibility. As such, we offer a lot of flexibility at work.

Results matter! And we do whatever it takes to get those results! For the engineers, they often have total control, without corporate standards getting in the way. That is what responsibility is! If you like to travel, we do that! We often fly around Russia and the world to speak and share with our colleagues and customers, regularly taking trips to the US and Europe.

Our Story

2003: X-tensive

X-tensive is established.
A small group of enthusiasts work on the cutting-edge .Net tooling.

2013: X-tensive Service

A new huge project for the US customer is started.
A second office is opened soon after to accommodate the fast growing team.

2018: Remote-First Paradigm

About a half of our employees work remotely, we embrace new opportunities that this brings. Offices In Yekaterinburg are still at heart of the company even though the brains are scattered across the country.

2021: Only A Beginning

Our company grew to more than 100 people and we continue to quantitatively expand our portfolio of projects and qualitatively improve our own developments as well as help our customers and partners to improve their business.
Our Projects
These are some of the projects we are active in, but we have so many more!
SaaS platform for the trade (home and commercial services). One of the biggest in the world.
Production automation, ERP and production data processing.
Cloud-based Manufacturing operations management (MOM) software platform that includes enterprise-level MES, WMS, APS and much more.
The first commercial ORM for the .Net platform.
Contact us

X-tensive Automation:

Yekaterinburg, Radischeva st, 55, Suit 302

X-tensive Service:

Yekaterinburg, Nikolaya Nikonova st, 6, Suit 8